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Thursday, 30 June 2011

Does anyone realize the importance of teaching?

A couple of things I have truly learned during my limited experience in the school world: first of all, teachers have an image problem. They badly need some good PR, and soon. Second, apparently nobody seems to acknowledge, governments in primis but also the general public all over the civilized world, the immense, crucial, vital importance of teaching. I am a scientist by background and I am trained in finding explanations, but I still fail to grasp how the vital and irreplaceable role of the teachers and the school can be so badly misunderstood. Teaching is clearly the most important job in any civilized country, because they directly forge and shape civilized citizens, who are ultimately the components of the society. Without them there would be no civilized society whatsoever. Therefore, teachers should be actually seen for what they are: society-makers and everyone should give at least at thought to it, because they are in charge to physically populate the society where you all will be living as an old (or ageing) being.   

Moreover, the past decades have seen a constant shift of responsibility from the individual, and particularly from pupils, to the collectivity. Whether this is the right way forward or not, the shift has left the teachers dealing with all the lack of education left by the parents willingly or not, to deal with it. Therefore, all the worst from previous generations, in term of social skills and civic education, is accumulated in the hands of a handful of teachers, who generally do not have the tools or even the rights to manage the problem. 
Governments and the public should be always kept informed and aware of what teachers really do and how teaching is much more of a mission than a normal paid activity: particularly in challenging public schools. 

This brings us directly to the necessity of some good PR. Is it now the right time for teachers to get a common and resounding voice in the establishment? A voice which can put forward some of the aforementioned concepts? Teaching is way too important to be silently relegated to a second-class occupation, both in terms of salary and popularity. Teachers need a better presence in the media and a strong and constant pressure on the system, able to uplift the whole category to deserved heights. Good teachers are our only way to the future, and we owe them what we are, but even more importantly, we owe them what we will be. 
Let’s all acknowledge that.

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